Olympia Landeau On Launching The Olystic Method


Olympia Landeau is the founder of The Olystic Method, a health and wellness coaching program for anyone suffering or in recovery from emotional eating.

Please tell us more about The Olystic Method. 

OL: I created the olystic method from a place of need. I wanted to understand the why behind what I was doing. It was a way to regain my power and make some long-lasting change. My method focuses on the link between primary food ( food that nourishes you off the plate ) and secondary food ( food on the plate). I work with my clients to empower them and to help make those connections. I basically teach them how to become experts on themselves freeing them from harsh judgement. It’s wonderful how much you can accomplish when you are kind to yourself. I help you find those answers within yourself to let go of what does not serve you and become your best version. I work with a lot of clients who are dealing with eating disorders as I am in recovery myself. What separates me from others practitioners or therapist is that I have been there. I know the struggle but I also know that if you do the work there is a way out. 

How do you define emotional eating?

OL: Emotional eating is a coping mechanism, it’s basically using food as a way to avoid dealing with emotions: It’s a form of addiction, but the tricky part is that people to not see it’s real danger as the véhicule of coping is food, not drugs or alcohol. 


What are some signs that someone is suffering from emotional eating? 

OL: Emotional eating is not one size fits all. You do not have to be incredibly thin or fat to be suffering from it. Signs that you can pick up on are –  isolation, mood swings, extreme stress, guilt and shame. My advice to you is to seek help immediately as it is a slippery slope.

With the holidays coming up, what can people do during this period to stay healthy, focused and avoid emotional eating? 

OL: Be present in the moment. Being healthy means being in tune with your own feelings. Try to keep your routine, don’t forget to exercise  drink plenty of fluid and have fun. Do not overthink it, trust your body and  if you have time  take a nice walk: It always works.

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