Balancing Brushes and Body: A Day in the Life of Art Dealer Tatiana Zemskova


Tatiana Zemskova, a rising figure in the bustling New York City art scene, seamlessly intertwines her role as a busy art dealer with maintaining a holistic and vibrant lifestyle. Renowned for her exceptional ability to navigate the demands of the art world, Tatiana credits her success to a disciplined approach, incorporating mindful practices, cutting-edge health technologies, and a well-rounded fitness routine. In this interview with Beatrice Mag, she shares insights on how she harmonizes a thriving career, international travels, and a commitment to well-being, offering valuable advice to those seeking a balanced and fulfilling professional and personal life

How do you manage to maintain a healthy lifestyle while juggling the demands of being a busy art dealer in the vibrant New York City art scene?

TZ: The mind-and-body balance is key to turning your aspirations into action. It helps me stay fast-paced naturally and without haste, and people around me are often fascinated by how much I get done. My friends jokingly ask me if I have doubles because I do twice as much as a normal person does in a day. 

To give you an illustration, I have a great morning routine that sets me up for daily productivity. I am an early riser: I savor a wake-up cup of coffee at 6 a.m. and jumpstart my day with physical activity of my choice. It energizes me and fuels my motivation. In the afternoon, depending on the day, I do cryo therapy or go to an infrared sauna to relax both my muscles and mind. When I have time in the evenings, I read to unwind or simply sit down to reflect on the day and set goals for tomorrow. 

Given your frequent dining out at restaurants, how do you make mindful and healthy food choices to support your well-being?

TZ: I love taking advantage of modern healthcare technologies that are advancing so rapidly. Unlike some other people who dive into aggressive biohacking, I use it to stay in tune with my body. Recently, I’ve been doing body intelligence tests to learn what foods impact my system in positive and negative ways and identify my nutritional needs. Having actual data at hand allows me to make conscious choices every day. 

That doesn’t mean denying myself any pleasures and can’t nibble on pizza here and there. I do it in complete awareness of how indulgence affects my body and balance occasional cheat meals with cardio training to maintain form and support metabolism.

Traveling internationally is a significant part of your profession. How do you ensure a healthy lifestyle while navigating different time zones, cuisines, and schedules?

TZ: Finding effective ways to minimize the effects of travel-related routine disruptions is crucial. I’ve explored numerous strategies over the years of international travel and what really makes a difference for me is staying hydrated. I also try to maintain proper sleep hygiene before and after every trip. This way, I don’t feel crushed after long flights and can conquer the day wherever I am. It’s a simple but solid protocol.

With a hectic travel schedule, finding time for regular workouts can be challenging. What are your strategies for staying active while on the move?

TZ: I found a personal trainer who creates a workout schedule tailored to my needs and schedule and implements it remotely. I can do a longer functional training session or choose a bite-sized bodyweight workout I can squeeze into a busy day. My trainer’s guidance ensures that I am consistent in maintaining a fitness routine, regardless of my location. Additionally, I have fun exploring classes offered by boutique studios and specialized gyms in various destinations during my travels.

As someone frequently attending art events and social gatherings, how do you approach maintaining a balance between enjoying these experiences and sticking to a healthy diet?

TZ: I usually follow a simple, minimalist approach: I stick with sparkling water with a piece of lemon, skip the bites, and instead, savor the art on display and the conversations that evolve around it during hors d’oeuvre. When it is a sit-down dinner, I enjoy every meal in moderation. I don’t advocate for harsh food restrictions – they only lead to added stress and a higher risk of developing eating disorders.  

International travel often brings with it the challenge of jet lag. What tips or routines do you follow to overcome the effects of changing time zones and stay energized?

TZ: I consider myself lucky – I don’t experience much jet lag despite moving around quite a lot. When I travel Eastwards the time adjustment is easily manageable. Going Westwards is more challenging, but I’ve worked out a rule that works like a charm: I stay up till at least 9 p.m. the first 3-4 days after arrival to a new destination. Pro tip: I always keep B12 vitamins in my makeup pouch for those rare occasions when the jet lag hits me hard.

Working long hours can be mentally and physically demanding. Could you share some self-care rituals or practices you incorporate into your routine to maintain overall well-being?

TZ: As I mentioned earlier, I am a big fan of infrared saunas, cryotherapy, and occasional massages. When I need an extra energy boost or my tests show a lack of certain vitamins, I do a tailored IV drip. Mainly, however, I try to prevent any micronutrient deficiencies through a balanced diet.

How do you prioritize staying hydrated, especially when your schedule involves a lot of travel and varied environments?

TZ: As I said, hydration is one of my core priorities. I’m not inventing a bicycle here: I simply make sure that I drink enough water every day. I always carry a little bottle of water in my purse and have another bottle at my desk. 

What type of exercise routine or fitness activities do you find feasible and effective for your lifestyle, considering your busy schedule and constant travel?

TZ: I love variability in my exercise routine: I can opt for a tennis game, a pilates workout, or a functional session with a personal trainer. It can be challenging to maintain a regular workout schedule, but I always carve out the time for it. I stay flexible and go for the type of activity that’s most accessible for a given location and timeline. 

In the midst of a fast-paced industry, how do you integrate mindfulness practices into your daily life to manage stress and foster a positive mindset?

TZ: I live by the park so I set aside one hour each day for a relaxed walk. That’s my form of meditation and a time of peace and quiet. If the weather isn’t the best and I have to skip this ritual of mine, I do an hour of walking on the treadmill to compensate – thankfully, the gym in my building has window walls with a beautiful view of the neighbourhood. 

I also practice sound meditation. Bathing in pleasant soundscapes is my way of letting go of the tension and stress of the day. It’s a liberating spiritual experience. 

Traveling exposes you to diverse cultures and cuisines. How do you navigate these experiences while being conscious of your health and well-being?

TZ: When I travel actively and change several countries over a short period of time, I prefer not to experiment with new foods and stick to simple and clean food choices that include protein and fiber, while avoiding sauces and processed foods. What I absorb a lot of, on the other hand, is the cultural peculiarities of new locations. I do my best to immerse myself in local traditions and appreciate what each cultural community has to offer. 

Given your international travel, how do you ensure you get sufficient and restful sleep, considering potential disruptions to your normal sleep routine?

TZ: That’s a great question! I do struggle with having a good night’s sleep at times. Thankfully, there’s a variety of natural supplements to choose from and I always keep something on my bedside table for those occasions. On top of that, I’m developing the habit of limiting screentime 1-2 hours before going to bed – it helps me wind down and prepares my mind for a restful, worry-free night. 

Business trips may not always align with typical wellness routines. How do you adapt your healthy lifestyle practices to fit the demands of your work-related travels?

TZ: I genuinely do my best to stay consistent with my wellness routine but no one is perfect and I, too, experience setbacks once in a while. I think maintaining a strong motivation and having someone to help you quickly get back on track (that’s what my trainer does) is the key. I also avoid the all-or-nothing mentality. If I can’t follow my routine 100%, I’ll do at least one small healthy activity or make one positive choice a day. 

As a successful art dealer with a bustling lifestyle, what advice would you offer to others in similar professions on maintaining a healthy balance between work, travel, and personal well-being?

TZ: For me, discipline is paramount. It takes time and commitment to work toward a well-defined goal, while adhering to a schedule that prioritizes self-care. And remember: discipline is not equal to rigidity. Adapting to unpredictability is key so you need to maintain your protocols but be flexible enough to adjust routines to suit the changing reality. 

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